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A campus licence for ChemDraw Prefessional 19.1.1 (Mac and Windows) is available. This program packege includes a drawing tool for chemical structures and several analytic modules. They allow the simulation of 1H-NMR- und 13C-NMR-Spectra. These simulation can support you intepreting NMR-spectra. The simulations may give you a firt hint, but should never replace your analysis.

All students and all memebers of the staff of Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf are applicable. Please use one of the following procedures to get your licence:

You are not registered

  1. Go to the Perkin Elmer web page.
  2. Please register:
    Note: You need to use your campus mail in the form username@uni-duesseldorf.de.
    username@hhu.de will not work!
  3. You will receive a mail to activate your account.
  4. Follow the link in the mail.
  5. Enter your password twice and confirm..
  6. Go to the login page.
  7. Sign in.
  8. Download the most up to date software package..
  9. Install.
  10. In case that you are asked for an  "Activation Code", go to "Order History" on the Perkin Elmer web page.
  11. Folllow the link to the most recent order.
  12. To the reight the "Activation Code" is shown.
  13. Copy the "Activation Code" into the appropriate window and continue.


You are registered allready

Please note. In case you have registered for your download of ChemOffice V16 (or earlier version), you need to register again. Please the procedure on the left. If you have registered for ChemOffice V17 or later, please continue.

  1. Please go to the Perkin Elmer web page.
  2. Sign in.
  3. Download the most up to date software package..
  4. Install.
  5. In case that you are asked for an  "Activation Code", go to "Order History" on the Perkin Elmer web page.
  6. Folllow the link to the most recent order.
  7. To the reight the "Activation Code" is shown.
  8. Copy the "Activation Code" into the appropriate window and continue.
Responsible for the content: PD Dr. Klaus Schaper : Contact by e-mail