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The Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf owns a campus license for MestReNova for students and staff members. The most uo to date version is V 14.1.2 (9.1.2020). Thie program can be downloaded from the MestReNova web side. This programs alows the analysis of the electronically suplied NMR-spectra and allows the preparation of plots of the spectra for publications. 

Updates are possible until 1/28/2021 and can be downloaded from the MestReNova web side as well. After 1/28/2021 you will still be able to download and use all versions, which have been released prior to 1/28/21.

The license includes the following ad ons:

  • NMRPredict: It allows the prediction of NMR-spectra based on the lewis-structure.
  • qNMR: For quantitative NMR spectroscopy.
  • Reaction Monitoring: Follow chemical reaction in the NMR.

A Handbook can be downloaded from the

This program can be downloded from the MestReNova web side as pdf. A printed version can be purchased from the web side.

After instalation of MestReNova you need a licence file. Please follow that link in order to get a licence file. Please suply your user name, not the complete mail address.

Responsible for the content: PD Dr. Klaus Schaper : Contact by e-mail