300 MHz | 500 MHz | 600 MHz | ||
1H | proton NMR | Yes | Yes | Yes |
13C-{1H} | proton decoupled carbon NMR | Yes | Yes | Yes |
11B | Bor NMR | Yes | ? | ? |
15N-{1H} | protonen decoupled 15N-NMR Only after prior discussion! | No | No | Yes |
19F-{1H} | proton decoupled Fluor NMR | Yes | ? | Yes |
19F | Fluor NMR | Yes | ? | Yes |
29Si-{1H} | proton decoupled silizium NMR Only after prior discusssion! | No | No | Yes |
31P-{1H} | proton decoupled phosphor NMR | Yes | ? | Yes |
31P | phosphor NMR | Yes | ? | Yes |
77Se-{1H} | proton decoupled selen NMR | No | No | Yes |
300 MHz | 500 MHz | 600 MHz | ||
water supression | proton NMR with suppressed water signal | ? | ? | Yes |
selective TOCSY | A selective TOSCY allows under certain conditions splitting of a proton spectrum in several subspectra. Only after prior discussion! | No | No | Yes |
selective decoupled | One nucleus is selectively decoupled | No | No | Yes |
300 MHz | 500 MHz | 600 MHz | ||
DEPT-45 | only protonated carbons | Yes | ? | Yes |
DEPT-90 | only CH carbons | Yes | ? | Yes |
DEPT-135 | only protonated carbons: CH, CH3 positiv, CH2 negativ | Yes | ? | Yes |
13C gated decoupled | A proton coupled carbon NMR. The signal enhancement due to NOE is utilised. | Yes | ? | Yes |
inverse decoupled | protonen decoupled carbon NMR with intact integration | Yes | ? | Yes |
300 MHz | 500 MHz | 600 MHz | ||
COSY | protonen-protonen-correlation, sensitive for a 3J-coupling | Yes | Yes | Yes |
TOCSY | cross peaks for all protons in the same spin-system | No | ? | Yes |
NOESY | protonen-protonen-correlation, sensitive to the distance of the atoms | Yes | ? | Yes |
ROESY | protonen-protonen-correlation, sensitive to the distance of the atoms, replaces NOESY for molecular weigths between 1000 and 3000 | Yes | ? | Yes |
300 MHz | 500 MHz | 600 MHz | ||
HSQC, HMQC | protonen-carbon-correlation, sensitive for 1J-coupling | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HMBC | protonen-carbon-correlation, sensitive for 2J- and 3J-coupling | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HETCOR | similar to HSQC or HMBC, but the FID of carbon is meassured => longer aquisition time, but a higher resolution on the 13C-axis | Yes | ? | Yes |
300 MHz | 500 MHz | 600 MHz | ||
1H-15N-HMBC | 1H-15N-Correlation | No | No | Yes |
1H-31P-HMBC | 1H-31P-Correlation | No | No | Yes |
1H-77Se-HMBC | 1H-77Se-Correlation | No | No | Yes |
1H-19F-HOESY | 1H-19F-Hetero-NOESY | No | No | Yes |